The Chesapeake Bay Revival Coloring Contest is sponsored by the author of the Nautical Mile series, in partnership with, The Chesapeake Conservation Corp, The Chesapeake Bay Trust, and The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum.
The contest is designed to raise awareness to the various conservation efforts in the Chesapeake Bay. The contest is open to each state within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and is designed for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. Children are to create an original piece of artwork that best expresses their interpretation of the Chesapeake Bay and its issues. Pictures can be drawn on a standard 8.5 x 11 piece of paper.
Schools can use their own means of selection to pick the 15 pictures intended to represent their school. Submissions must be received by December 15, 2011 for consideration. Submission packages are to be mailed to:
Chesapeake Bay Revival Coloring Contest
P.O. Box 757
Lancaster, VA 22503
Pictures will be on display at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum from January - March 2012.
The winner will receive a $500 gift card to Toys R Us, a signed copy of Salty Summer, a t shirt and $1,000 will be awarded to their present school for conservation education. Many others will win books, t shirts and gift bags from the Chesapeake Bay Trust.
Contest inquiries can be directed to chesapeakebayrevival@gmail