Monday, March 26, 2012

The Junior Novel

Junior Novel / Fantasy Fiction for 3rd to 5th graders ~ I guess that's what to call the Nautical Mile Series.  I can remember my boys reading The Magic Tree House Series written by Mary Pope Osborne.  And ever since then, I've been trying to develop a series as stimulating as the Magic Tree House books were for my boys. 

Every word should have a purpose, choose wisely.  (said the right brain to the left brain)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Clash Over Floating Home Reaches US Supreme Court

Fellow sailor, Fane Lozman, is fighting a crusade against the city of Riviera Beach, Florida.  The city literally rewrote the law in order to seize his floating home and destroy it.  Remember Sleepless in Seattle?  Lozman's home looked similar to that but the city deemed his floating home to be a vessel, despite the fact it had no engine or propulsion system of its own or bilge pump.  Add to that the fact that Lozman had successfully argued in court ~ that the marina he was docked at had resorted to what amounted to bullying in an effort to use eminent domain to expand the marina for the rich.  The city caring less about Lozman's rights than big business, stepped in to help get rid of Lozman by holding secret sessions and rewriting the law in order to seize his home and hastily have it destroyed.  Fane Lozman is a man that can never go home.  Irony is often ironic.  The little guy made it big in the money market, at a time when no one else did!  At least he made enough to continue his crusade and take it to the Supreme Court. 

This is a modern day David and Goliath story.  Rooting for the little guy!  As a sailor, I could be bias but it seems wrong to me that laws can be rewritten to suit whomever the city favors. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Agent Review

Well another agent is looking at my books.  There is something special and unique about the storyline that captures your attention and draws you in.  I only hope that the path will lead to one of the big 6 publishers and at least some sort of a badly needed payday. 

Right now, I'm mapping out another book in the series that has been started and stopped a couple of times due to other pressing obligations. 

Looking for that magic moment!

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Breeze Racer

The real story of the Breeze Racer begins with a crusty old boat drug to the curb for haulaway by the local trashman.  The find of what was once Ding's Dinghy became the inspiration for the Breeze Racer in my original tale about 3 brothers living near Dagger's Point Marina drawn into the mystery and wonder of another world by their loving grandmother.  A story that has only just started to unfold. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Parade in Dublin

Being married to an Irish man for nearly 20 years makes me Irish by association.  Wish I could have been in Dublin for the St. Patrick's Day parade.  I heard that over half a million party goers showed up for the British, American, and Russian bands wooing the throngs of people.  While Cardinal Sean Brady prayed for the tens of thousands who had left Ireland in face of tough economic times. 

I'll pray for us all, for tough economic times has befallen everyone. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Giant Manta Raised from the Depths ...

Giant manta raised from the depths off Africa by ships anchor.  Crew members unknowingly snared a manta ray in the anchor lines from their vessel and hoisted it up.  The manta ray had a wing span of 30 feet! 

It is this type of ray that I envision Sabin to be riding.  The Meridians are Ray Riders and Sabin's Grammy, Lady Em, was one of the best of them! 

The Meridians often paint their rays with alizarin war paint, creating intricate patterns.  Such as the silver diamond back or green waves arching across mighty wings.  The painted rays were inspired by Indian war horses.

Read the entire article on the African manta ray at

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Buoyed Up

Contrary to popular belief, buoyed up has nothing to do with the alcohol content in one's blood ... it implies that one is lifted up out of the water.  I am calling for a buoy up due to the impending dread over tomorrow's testing. 

Pray for a red sky tonight!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Burdened or Privaledged?

In nautical terms the burdened vessel must give way to the privaledged vessel.  Typically, the sailboat is considered privaledged over the powerboat.  Therefore, the sailboat is given the right of way and allowed to proceed.  No rule is absolute.  Rare exceptions exist involving unique safety situations.

Like so many rules of the water, this concept can easily be applied to everyday life.  Do you make the Wind or Are you being carried by the Wind?

Which one are you?  Burdened or Privaledged?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Checking the Compass Rose

Checking the Ole Compass Rose to ensure that I'm on course to make my dreams a reality.  I'm making a few adjustments and tacking around to find fresh wind, again.   

The Compass Rose or the Wind Rose, as it was known, first appeared on the Portolan Charts of the 1300's.  The compass typically had 32 points for the various directions of the wind, 1/2 wind, and 1/4 wind.  In Medieval Times, each wind had it's own name.  Of course the Chinese reinvented the compass showing the 12 Zodiac signs.  Some compasses were even reported to point the way to paradise with a cross ... typically this was East, pointing to the birthplace of Christ.  Today's compass is much simpler.  But is it really any easier to navigate to the promised land?  

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Stage fright of the Cowardly Clam

Well, I survived my first speaking engagement to a full room of expectant children and parents.  I was trembling when I took to the podium for the Award Ceremony of the first annual Chesapeake Bay Revival Coloring Contest and broke into a cold sweat, looking out to a sea of eyes.  I nearly fainted!  The children were just adorable and by the end, I felt much better.  It is difficult for an anti-social person to get in front of a group.  But I did it and didn't pass out .... YEAHHHHHH!     

Thursday, March 8, 2012


The Award Ceremony on March 10th will be my first official speaking engagement.  And if that wasn't making me nervous enough, I've just gotten word that it will be covered by 2 reporters!  That is wonderfully delightful!  I hope the Award Ceremony is a huge success, highlighting the Chesapeake Bay, young artists from the first annual Chesapeake Bay Revival Coloring Contest, the museum, AND my books :-P

I may have to enter nail biters anonymous after this ... stay tuned for more details!

Making Friends

I have recently been accepted into an author forum on Linked In.  Linked In allows various business professionals the opportunity to connect.  In connecting with other authors, I've come across several noteworthy individuals.  It's inspiring to see so many dedicated individuals honing their craft and perfecting their stories.  I've added a new tab on my website to highlight up and coming children's book authors.  Feel free to check it out. 

What's your next read?   

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Read Across America

In observance of Read Across America, celebrated on March 2nd (Dr. Seuss' Birthday) ~ I provided books for my son's 4th grade class and his previous 3rd grade class. Every child received a copy of Salty Summer, book 1 in the Nautical Mile Series.   

The purpose of the Read Across America initiative is to motivate children to read.  Reading is an important factor in student achievement.  Research has shown that children who are motivated and spend more time reading do better in school.  I think that's true because I can see it in my kids. 

I also wanted to keep my promise to Mrs. Kellum.  Last year, when Salty Summer was in production ~ I promised I would bring a copy in for each student.  Well, Salty Summer took forever to be released and it was well into September before the books were available.  I would spend the next 6 months tweeking books 2 - 4 and ultimately crafted a new ending for Salty Summer, interlocking it with the other books in the series.  In wanting to put my best foot forward, I shared the revised version of Salty Summer with the children.  I do hope the kids enjoy the book.   

Read On!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Snow What?

Just the other day, I was dreaming about Spring with sun streaming in through my windows.  And today, snow is falling like powdered sugar ... dusting everything in soft white flakes.  Who knew?  These are no dainty little white flecks of snow, they are HUGE snowflakes the size of quarters.   

It's actually quite beautiful.  Here's to the unpredictability of Mother Nature!

Frosty Cheers!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Carried by the Current

For those of you reading in far off places, Spring is almost here!  I can't wait to feel the sun's golden rays upon my face.  Typing from my cave of a living room, only a few specks of sunlight drift in and dance like glitter on the table.  To my new readers from the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, and Pakistan ~ hi!  To my old friends from Russia and France ~ it's another day and I'm glad to be alive.   

I was reviewing the stats from my website and I'm pleased to say that I've had visitors from 13 different countries and 29 states, here in the US.  I am closing in on 4,000 pageviews with an average of 70 new unique visitors per month.  What all this means ... I'm not really sure.  But maybe my message is being carried by the water guardian to the far corners of the earth.  Water, the great traveler, slips in and out with ease.  It washes over us and wipes the slate clean.

Water Traveler, send word that a new Water Child has come, carry it to the very edge of the earth!