Thursday, February 7, 2013

Query Update

Well peeps, I deleted my horrible query letter.  Like I said before, desperation is the kiss of death.  Always write from a position of power because those agents are like sharks, they can smell the fear a mile away!  Desperation can come from many places.  Wanting someone to read your story, to like your story, to acknowledge your existence ... it can even be desperation because you know yours is a story worth telling.  (I have all of these things making me feel desperate.) 

Next time, and yes there will be a next time.  Next time, I think my query letter will pretty much just be my story synopsis.  None of the 'hi' I'm the scare d'cat that'd love to have her novel published with you - crap.  Just short and sweet.  Simple.  Straight to the point and less reasons for them to throw my letter in the trash bin or hit the delete button. 

I'm also considering taking a writing course.  Now I think I can write.  But crafting a story is akin to building a house.  Just because I can nail two pieces of wood together doesn't mean I can build the darn house.  So perhaps, after this novel - a little late, I know - I will take an honest to goodness course.  Because I have thrown away about 50,000 words to get to the good part of my story.  Think of all that wasted time spent on material that'd I later carve out.  It makes me sick to think about it.