Thursday, March 1, 2012

Carried by the Current

For those of you reading in far off places, Spring is almost here!  I can't wait to feel the sun's golden rays upon my face.  Typing from my cave of a living room, only a few specks of sunlight drift in and dance like glitter on the table.  To my new readers from the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, and Pakistan ~ hi!  To my old friends from Russia and France ~ it's another day and I'm glad to be alive.   

I was reviewing the stats from my website and I'm pleased to say that I've had visitors from 13 different countries and 29 states, here in the US.  I am closing in on 4,000 pageviews with an average of 70 new unique visitors per month.  What all this means ... I'm not really sure.  But maybe my message is being carried by the water guardian to the far corners of the earth.  Water, the great traveler, slips in and out with ease.  It washes over us and wipes the slate clean.

Water Traveler, send word that a new Water Child has come, carry it to the very edge of the earth!