I've been in a foggy funk lately. I haven't been totally unproductive ... just ignoring my blog. During this month's retrospective funk, I've been evaluating my options in publishing the Nautical Mile books with Create Space. I found this process to be much easier than I anticipated and FREE! I've uploaded the first 4 books and already I am waiting for my proofs to be received in the mail. Total time from creation to proof ... about 1 week. Compared to that same process with Tate Publishing ... just over 11 months.
What did Create Space do for me? Some might ask ...
Well, with their user friendly software I was able to turn my e-books into paperback books. They offer pre-formatted files to assist the average know nothing user (a/k/a ... me). So all I had to do was point and click to get my files ready for print. They also assigned an ISBN number for each book in less than 5 minutes! Their cover creator software is also pretty cool and I couldn't resist playing with a few newly formatted covers, just for kicks.
All of that was for FREE! I'm still in shock. Considering Tate Publishing (which claims to only publish about 4% of the manuscripts submitted to them) required a $4,000 author investment from me to publish Salty Summer. Which by the way has a totally new ending, so it interlocks with my other books. If anyone ever asks why the publishing industry is changing this is definitely one reason why: Publishing houses of any size gobble up time and money. If the author has to take control of writing and marketing, then why not publishing and editing?