Saturday, November 12, 2011

On to more serious matters

Despite my incredible and unfailing excitement about being published and getting the word out about my book and the coloring contest ... I am beginning to see how disillusioned I was with Tate Publishing (the company that released Salty Summer). 

I have numerous gripes ... many stemming from the editing, production, and marketing of my book.  A few unprofessional professionals - I was beginning to think that everyone who touched my book was in the process of leaving Tate Publishing by the time they got to me.  So it was a frustrating process to say the least. 

And then - to find out that Tate Publishing did not send out a single blurb to any newspapers the week that my book was released!  Not ONE! 

All the chatter on the Internet is a direct result of hard work coming from MY camp.  That includes just me and my WONDERFUL husband (he doubles as marketing rep., chef extraordinaire, dad, electrician and everything in between).