I've been looking up jellyfish specific to the Chesapeake Bay. There are the sea nettles - the little stinging variety that haunt book 5 during the 'rise of the stinging nettles', lion's mane jellies, moon jellies with pink four leaf clovers inside the bell (those are strung up with rainbow jellyfish to make a bio-luminescent chandelier in Neptune's temple - book 4), mushroom cap jellyfish, occasionally a Portuguese man of war will wander in (bluish/purple balloon like jellies bobbing up and down in the water waiting for its unsuspecting prey), and the very cool cannonball jelly (a large softball shaped jellyfish) ... I can almost see warriors launching the cannonball jellies through the dangerously dark waters in the heat of battle.
Nature is full of things way cooler than fiction can ever imagine! Prepare for the Rise of the Stinging Nettles in Dark Dawn, Book 5!