I decided last night to start working on another book. A book that chronicles the time my boys spent at Fork Union Military Academy. This was a trying time for all of us. But for none more so than Kevin and Triston. My two oldest boys. Kevin is almost a man at 17 years old. Really weird. Where did the time go? I blinked and he went from a sweet little baby to a challenging teenager. And Triston, well I never had him as a baby - he was 5 when I first 'met' him, even still ... he went from 5 to 15 lickety split!
My family is a bunch of misfits. A mix of rescue animals (both cats and dogs) and kids from 2 families. I have been raising Triston since the death of my sister. Tragically she was murdered by her husband ... God rest her soul. The tragedy of Lacey Peterson happened after her time ... but it was just like that, all the worst parts of it, anyway. And I am the biggest misfit of all - having come from a broken home, landed in foster care and got stuck in the 'system'.
This new book ... seems to be writing itself. I started this morning and already have the first 2,000 words. I read somewhere about a contest to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. I figured if others can do it - why not me. So that is my new challenge. To write this novel with my boys in about a month. I have a great title for the book. One I can't really share, yet. Laughing over here because it REALLY, REALLY fits. For those who read my blog 'The Disavowed' ... you know the back story. Of course I had to pull down my blog in trying to resolve matters with the school - no money was made there, by the way. Enough said about the legal mumbo jumbo ... but I still think I can write a hilarious, fictional book about the boys time there.
I will keep you posted on my progress.